
Find Bills / Ballots

Sneaking a Bill though is over!  Too often we don’t learn about pending legislation that is detrimental to the Black community until it is signed into law. Use our free tool below to get a list of Bills that are currently in your State. It’s up to all to keep each other inform and pressure our leaders. That strength of that pressure can be seen in our petitions. It’s one thing when they get a message from you. Its another when they get that same message from us. We challenge you to use this platform as your podium for change!

See Ballot before going to Polls. There is nothing worse than casting a vote for someone you never heard of. That’s how we end up with the wrong type of leadership. Seeing the ballot beforehand gives yourself time to research the candidates on the ballot before placing your vote. Use the free form below to see your ballot before you go the poll. It’s too serious to make a brash decision.

A single bracelet does not jingle. ~ Congolese proverb